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Where did the "Q" come from? PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN, SAVE AMERICA

As most of you know, when Team PYC - Protect Your Children was founded in January 2019, it was almost impossible to get people to listen to us. The legislators, the schools, and most upsetting the churches were all afraid to speak the truth. No one wanted to be labeled a bigot and so many were afraid to even listen to reason or analyze the facts.

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. There are only two genders and GOD most certainly does not mistake! But even the churches would not say this….

However, PRAISE the name of the LORD, through the power of prayer, the efforts of many, the tenacity of Team PYC, and the leadership and voice of leaders like President Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, Alex Newman, Hirsh Singh, U.S. Candidate for Congress in 2022 CD-7 Rik Mehta, NJ LD-23 State Senator Mike Doherty, NJ Assemblyman Scharfenberger and many of you, the fight to teach biology and not ideology and to educate and not indoctrinate is now on the hearts and minds of MOST NJ parents and taxpayers from Cape May to the top of Sussex County.

As some of you know, the NJ Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee Statement to Senate, No. 1569 Dated: June 18, 2018, stated: “This bill (the LGBT Curriculum bill) is modeled on a law adopted in California, the “Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education (FAIR) Act,” which took effect on January 1, 2012.

The “I” in FAIR stands for “Inclusive”. If you do not know, California schools are not only teaching the ‘Q” but they have also added the “P” under the guise of inclusion! Many schools are teaching that adults who are attracted to children is one of the many “sexual orientations people choose”, in their lesson plans.

When S1569 (the LGBT Curriculum Bill) was signed into law (C.18A:35-4.35) by Governor Murphy, in January 2019, the left said that the law’s initial goal was to include the history of disabled and LGBT persons in all NJ public middle and high schools’ curricula. However, though we have not found any mention of the history of people with disabilities in these “lesson plans” the “Q” appears in most of the pending curricula and inclusion lesson plans, but please note there is no “Q” in the law!

For those of you who think “Q” means queer, think again. The “Q” for the most part is being taught as “QUESTION” and teachers are telling 14 year old girls who love their best friends that perhaps they are lesbians and they may be “questioning their sexuality” so they are part of the LGBT “Q” community… OR of a 15 year old boy does not want to have sex with his female classmates (because he actually wants to wait until marriage or until he is in love….) They say that perhaps he is a homosexual and therefore “questioning his sexuality” and he is now part of the LGBT “Q” community…

This is the reality. Very sad, very upsetting, very harmful, AND VERY MUCH IN NEED OF REBUKE!

How did the “Q” magically appear?

You must be aware that California has been the front runner of many of the laws and policies that NJ LGBT laws and policy follow.

California schools now recognize pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation. Pedophilia is being taught in the classroom because they say, “it is a sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official from California's Brea Olinda School District, who admitted that this was being taught — and that it would continue, despite the outrage of parents.

Will the “P” be next?

Where will this stop?

Many schools are adopting the curriculum that has been developed by Garden State Equality. This organization boasts of being, “New Jersey’s Largest LGBTQ Advocacy & Education Organization”. They have reported, “We’re bringing LGBTQ curriculum to New Jersey schools”. Our concerns are that they are not only writing the curriculum but hiring “coaches” to help schools manage the objections of students, parents, and people of faith whose values stand in opposition to this life style, AND that they will use our tax dollars to do this!

The Holy Word of God states:

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.” Ephesians 5:11-12

Yet, this curriculum’s goal is to normalize these “deeds of darkness” and teach them as a required part of NJ Learning Standards.

This is a true assault to our deeply held faith and our religious liberty.

We do not want any child to feel unwanted, left out, or discriminated against, and we are here to say that this pending curriculum, if forced and “implanted” into the hearts and minds of our children, will do exactly that, discriminate against every person of faith.

We must continue to let kids be kids, protect the children, and work hard to defend family values in efforts to SAVE AMERICA! We must work diligently to restore our funding principles. Our nation was built on religious liberty, family values, liberty, and justice, but each day our liberties are being thwarted and we MUST stand firm in our faith and in our fight for good over evil and truth over lies.

Please join us at Team PYC - Protect Your Children - NJ OPEN TEAM as we work hard to empower parents with the goal to protect children.

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